
Devlog 1.0.2b -- 2024.03.02

What's New

  • Pause Menu has been fixed
  • Added MainMenu button on PauseMenu
  • Added Credit for assets/sounds/code used
  • Added background music
  • Changed Font on all buttons
  • Reduced the AI speed in Crazy mode
  • Increased Player speed

Patch 1.0.2a -- 2024.02.29

What's New

  • Added level up sound each time the difficulty increase
  • Add Pause Menu 
  • Added Normal mode: and Crazy Mode 
  • New: Crazy mode: Every time, the balbounce from the paddle, the speed of ball increase. Longest time  
  • Release the demo on for web version

Known Issues

  • Pause menu in normal mode do not work

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